Books with Sensory Memories | Top Ten Tuesday

This week’s TTT prompt is to choose books that are linked to a specific memory in your life. It can be linked to where you were, who you were with, what you were doing and so on. I’ve decided to link mine to places I have distinct reading memories from. I love traveling and I’m fortunate enough to have had a lot of opportunities to visit really beautiful places and create lovely memories with the books I’ve brought along. So here they are:

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1. Reading Six of Crows in Amsterdam was truly an experience! I had no idea before starting the book that it was set in an Amsterdam-inspired city called Ketterdam so I was pretty hyped to find out I’d picked such a good time to read it 😀


2. Reading a heavy book like The Secret History while lazying around in Mallorca might not have been the smartest choice. I found the book very dull and unnecessarily long, and it took me more than two weeks to finish it. I will probably pick up a YA contemporary instead next time I’m out in the sun, so lesson learnt!


3. 2014 was what I like to call my “Jenny Han summer”. It’s the year To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before came out and I fell in love with Jenny Han’s writing. I ended up reading both her Burn for Burn trilogy and The Summer I Turned Pretty trilogy! Aesthetic summer sunsets + a Jenny Han books = a match made in heaven


4. I can’t begin to recall all the books I’ve begun, read or finished on a plane. It’s the perfect way to pass time on a flight and I always manage to get a lot of reading done. Some of the memorable books I’ve read on airplanes include Room, Heir of Fire, Cinder, Where She Went and many more!


5. Reading by the peaceful lakeside, surrounded by nature in Montreux is pure bliss. Even more so when you have an amazing book like I’ll Give You the Sun to enhance the whole experience! Can you believe it’s been four years since Jandy Nelson’s last book?? I would sell my kidneys just to get a glimpse of her shopping list, that’s how badly I miss her writing.


6. Is there honestly a better place to read books than in a bookstore? My favourite bookstore to read in is the Waterstones in Piccadilly Circus because they have really comfy sofa chairs and a really nice cafe with delicious hot chocolate! I read a little bit of everything there; new releases, graphic novels, books I just purchased or books I brought from home. Most recently I was there reading my current read Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine.


7. Although I dislike the winter-time because of how dreadfully cold it gets, I have to admit it makes for a pretty cozy atmosphere. I remember reading Allegiant during New Year’s Eve (priorities) a few years ago and crying for a half hour. Good times.


8. The tourist infested streets, the ridiculously priced everything, the unexpected downpour; none of these things could take away how magical Paris is to me! My first ever flight was one en route to Paris and while I did not read anything then, the next time I went for a school trip I made sure to bring Eleanor & Park which sparked my love for Rainbow Rowell!

my bed.png

9. The place I truly spend most of my time reading on is my bed. My bed is somewhere where I can fully relax and immerse myself into the story I’m reading. Some books I have distinct memories reading in bed are Clockwork Princess, Everything I Never Told You and Dangerous Girls!


10. Finally, one of the most memorable reading moments was when I finished the last book of the Percy Jackson series, The Last Olympian. It was such a bittersweet moment, because I wasn’t ready to let go of my favourite story and characters just yet but I also knew I would see them again in the spin off series. No other series has impacted me as much as Percy Jackson and reading the last book in the backdrop of Nice was a truly happy memory!

What place do you associate with a very good reading memory? Where would be your dream vacation? Do you prefer summer or winter for reading?

Let’s chat in the comments!♥

Until next post,



29 thoughts on “Books with Sensory Memories | Top Ten Tuesday

  1. Brooke Lorren says:

    Every day is a good day for reading!

    That’s cool that you were reading a book set in Amsterdam in Amsterdam.

    I read Warcross last New Year’s Eve (yes, priorities!). Fortunately, I didn’t cry reading that. But I did cry as I went to bed at 4 AM after reading Allegiant (and I immediately started scheming for ways for me to not believe the ending).

    Liked by 2 people

    • Mara says:

      Oh, I just recently got Warcross and I’m so excited to read it! I love the Legend trilogy and Marie Lu’s writing so it’ll for sure be amazing 😀
      I’ve never met a person who was able to hold back tears during Allegiant and if someone like that exists, are they even human??


  2. ChrissiReads says:

    I read a lot of books in bed too. 🙂 It’s the comfiest place to read! I have strong memories of reading at the beach in Malta and Costa Brava! I love to read on the beach/in hot weather.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mara says:

      Totally agree, my bed will forever be my favourite place to read! And same here, I feel so relaxed when I’m reading a good book on the beach, I just flip through the pages 😀


  3. Amber says:

    You’re so right about planes being the perfect time to read a book! That’s such an essential for me – if I know I’m going on a plane, I have to pick out a book. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ruby's Books says:

    I also do most of my reading in bed. And plane reading is a must! I absolutely love it, even though I do sometimes nap on planes. I don’t have a preference for season. If it’s cold, it’s the perfect occasion to cuddle under a mountain of blankets and read. If it’s hot like right now, it’s the perfect excuse to stay indoors with the AC on and read lol.

    Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Olivia Emily says:

    Yesssss I love reading YA during the summer or by the beach – that’s where I fell in love with Jenny Han, too, on a beach in Alicante! I also think Stephanie Perkins and Morgan Matson write the perfect summer beach reads (:

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Loretta @ The Laughing Listener says:

    Ahhhh I love love love this!! I’m so jealous too, the only other country I’ve been to is Canada. Lol. The place I want to go to the most is the UK, so whenever I get there I’ll have to add the bookstore to my list of things to see! Also, I liked what you said about reading Allegiant on New Year’s Eve because that’s absolutely something I would do. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mara says:

      Thank you!! For all the traveling I’ve done I’ve never actually travelled outside of Europe so my big dream is to visit the U.S and Canada haha
      Waterstones is the biggest bookstore chain in the UK so it’s definitely worth a visit, I really hope you get to visit the UK soon! 😀
      And glad to know I’m not the only one who would react like that when finishing a trilogy, because my family definitely thought something was wrong with me in that moment😂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Mara says:

      Thank you!! Hahah, I know right?? My summer feels empty without a Jandy Nelson book to read
      I know she’s in the middle of writing her next book so hopefully we’re able to get it ASAP 😀


  7. Marie says:

    AHHHHHH it is so very amazing that you travel so much, yay. I love travelling so, very much as well. I recently read Six of Crows for the first time and wow, reading it in Amsterdam must have been such an incredible experience 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  8. liveforbroadway says:

    I love your interpretation on this week’s theme! I love the added polaroids and hearing about your memories. It’s so funny that you experienced Six of Crows for the first time in Amsterdam! I love hearing stuff like that. And, also, 2014 was my Jenny Han summer as well!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mara says:

      Thank you so much!! ❤
      Haha, that's so cool! This summer definitely feels empty without a Jenny Han book to read so I really hope she comes out with a new one soon 😀


  9. Kyra says:

    Wow, you’ve travelled to so many amazing places! *_*

    I NEED another Jandy Nelson books – her writing is incredible! UGH YES TO PERCY JACKSON. I love that series SO MUCH.

    In summer 2012 I binge read the summer trilogy by Jenny Han – they’re the perfect summery reads!

    My TTT post!


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